Restock on Beef is Happening This Week!


4 Simple and Delicious Marinades to Try

Are you looking for a new marinade packed with flavor to try on your grass-fed steaks? Maybe, you're wanting to simplify your marinade with as little ingredients as possible, but not skimp on flavor. Look no further, we have some great marinade recipes that are sure to please!

Five Things You Didn't Know About Grass-fed Beef

If you're still on the fence about trying grass-fed beef or would just like to know more about why it's a great option for your health; check out the following blog post. I have picked 5 interesting facts about grass-fed meat that you might not have already known.

Why You Should Choose Pasture Raised Chicken

Find out why Pasture Raised Chicken is not only more humane for the chicken itself, but also very beneficial for the environment as well as the consumer. Bachman Family Farms has gone above and beyond to provide you with juicy, flavorful chicken that is good for your health as well!

Holiday Gift Ideas for the Steak Lovers in Your Life

Are you tired of racking your brain on the perfect gift for the holidays? Stress no more, Bachman Family Farms has you covered. This holiday season give the gift of food and watch as your loved ones unwrap our delicious grass-fed steaks, which are sure to leave them wanting more! The best part is you can have it sent straight from our farm to their front door.