Delicious Sides Straight from the Garden

written by

Blaine Ward

posted on

March 3, 2023

Written by: Blaine Ward, Marketing Team / Blogger

Fresh Produce

Spring is right around the corner, and I can hardly wait! The weather starts warming up, the days become longer, and nature begins to wake up from a long winter's nap. One of my favorite parts of spring is getting my hands dirty in the garden. I can't help but think about all the yummy sides that I'll be able to make with some fresh produce. Now I'm not known for having a green thumb, so what I don't grow in my garden, I tend to buy from my local farmer's market. Buying local and supporting our farmers is always of great value.

The Perfect Sides

Just think of all the sides you can make with some fresh produce. One of my favorite sides to go along with a nice juicy steak is corn on the cob. Corn on the cob is such an easy side, that needs nothing more than a good dollop of butter! Sometimes I'll change it up and add some sour cream and spices for the perfect street corn. Maybe you've got a skirt steak you've been wanting to cook. Grab some onions and bell peppers from the garden and make some sizzling hot fajitas! Or you can always keep it simple and throw some burgers on the grill paired with a good helping of sweet potato fries. I like to toss them in some olive oil and throw them in the air fryer, so they get nice and crispy. If you really want to dress up your sweet potato, add some mini marshmallows and brown sugar! There are endless options of healthy and delicious sides that you can prepare with fresh produce.

Enjoy the Beauty of Spring

Now that I've got your mind swimming with mouthwatering ideas, get outside and start preparing for spring. Open the windows and let that fresh air and sunlight pour in. Go outside with the kids and get your hands dirty. Start prepping your garden and flower beds with the warm afternoon sun on your back. Most of all, just take some time to watch the beauty of nature waking up and gracing us with her beauty.

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