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February Challenge!

written by

Blaine Ward

posted on

January 31, 2025

With a new year comes, new aspirations, new opportunities and new challenges.  Like many people, I like to start the year off with new goals in hopes of bettering myself and setting the stage for a great year.  Unfortunately, I also share the same tendencies that a lot of people do by setting goals that may be unrealistic or poorly planned.  This usually results in failure and disappointment.  While I like the idea of starting fresh right out of the gate, January always seems like such a difficult month to begin.  Maybe it’s partly because there is a pressure to have it all together on day 1 of the New Year.  Maybe it’s because in Oklahoma, January is pretty bleak.  There are no holidays in January, the weather is unbearably cold, the landscape; unless covered in snow is lacking in color and life.  Following the holiday season in December, more than likely you’re dealing with sickness from spending so much time with friends and family.  January can be a hard month to get through, which is why I’ve decided to take some of the pressure off myself and start some of my New Year resolutions in February.

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to eat healthier.  As I was searching for recipes and meal plans, I already became overwhelmed with which diet to choose from.  Everyone seems to have their own ideas and beliefs on which diet is superior.  After going back and forth on which diet was best for me, I got the crazy idea to turn my diet challenge into a blog series for work.  This will hopefully be a way to keep myself accountable, as well as documenting the pros and cons of a variety of diets. 

I’ve decided on the Paleo diet for the month of February. I’ve chosen the Paleo diet because it makes sense to me.  The Paleo diet comes from the concept of getting back to our hunter-gatherer ancestry.  It consists of eating whole foods, with an emphasis on grass-fed, wild caught, and pasture raised.  It also prioritizes vegetables and fruits as well as using healthy fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and ghee.  Healthy snack options might include nuts and seeds and making sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

I would say the biggest focus is getting away from processed foods.   I like the idea of getting back to the way God intended and with food that nature has provided.  So, for the entire month of February, I plan on following a Paleo diet to the best of my ability.  I will document the challenges I face along with the pros and cons of following this particular diet.  Throughout the month I will try to post updates on my progress as well as any failures.  I would love to challenge anyone else who would like to join in for the month of February.  If you already follow a Paleo diet I would love to hear any tips you might have or recipes.

I don’t want you guys to assume that because I work for a company that sells grass-fed beef that I am already following a very healthy diet…because I’m not.  I love sugar! I love carbs, I love sweets, and I also depend way too much on processed foods due to the on-the-go lifestyle that my family leads.  This will be a major challenge for me!  But maybe…just maybe, if I put myself out there for all to see, I will be more motivated to stick with it.  With that being said, your prayers and good vibes would be greatly appreciated.  Wish me luck and stay tuned throughout the month to hear updates!

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