We Give Up, We're Moving...

written by

Blaine Ward

posted on

May 11, 2023

Recently we have had to make some very big decisions on where our business is headed.  Due to the growth of our business our current space can no longer accommodate us.  With that being said, we are excited to announce that Bachman Family Farms will be building a distribution center right off of main street in Deer Creek! Not only are we grateful that our business is growing, but we are even more excited that we get to share this growth within our community. We take pride in our small but mighty town in Deer Creek, OK and we are very excited to bring more business to such a deserving community.  

We have outgrown the space we are working out of and have decided to build a distribution and retail center in our hometown. The building being constructed will house our business and house other businesses as well. Not only do we want to bring new business to Deer Creek, but we want to see Deer Creek’s current businesses thrive as well by attracting even more people. We also recognize that housing is needed in our town, and we hope to accommodate that need in our second phase of building by possibly adding 2 to 3 apartments. Our first phase of construction is to build our distribution center as well as two other businesses. We hope to have phase one completed and open by Christmas. Our second phase will be to add apartments to the upper level of our building. The time of construction for phase 2 is to be determined. 

The community of Deer Creek-Lamont has been monumental in creating the values we live by today. Dave Bachman and his brothers were raised on the family farm in Deer Creek and have been blessed to have grown up in such a selfless loving community. Not only did Dave grow up here, but now he is raising his own family here as well. When you belong to such a small community, it’s easy to become more like a family. It’s nothing out of the ordinary to have a neighbor bring by a meal when your family is going through a tough time. Pulling over to help someone change a tire is just a common courtesy and helping shuttle each other's kids to various sports events is how we all survive. There is no doubt in our minds that we are blessed to be a part of such an amazing town, in which true values are still alive and well. 

Every town has its flaws, and as a community, we may disagree from time to time. However, it’s in those times of hardship that our little town comes together and remembers what’s really important, and that’s each other. When push comes to shove, the people of Deer Creek-Lamont will always come out on top, because they will work together and find a solution. We help in each other's times of need, and we also share in each other’s triumphs. For Bachman Family Farms that’s what it’s all about, and we can’t wait to serve and better the community which we so greatly love! 

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